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Ezra’s Story

Now at Lafayette College, here is an account of the high school experience…

I am a junior at Ridge High School. I play football for Ridge High School that means I practice all year round to stay in shape for the football season. In season and off season, I prepare myself by lifting weights and doing cardio vascular exercises. I also do drills to improve my running times and balance and coordination. In Season, the team, has practice 5 days a week. Games may be one or two times a week depending if I play Junior Varsity and/or Varsity. I love football! It is challenging physically and mentally, because it is a strategic sport that requires its players to be in great shape physically and able to endure psychologically with the stresses and memorizing the “plays” etc. It requires concentration and a winning attitude! At the same time, it is fun and exciting and developing life long friendships with teammates.

I have Juvenile Diabetes which is a consideration to a rigorous sport like football. This is because I have to know my body and signs that may go along with low blood sugars from exercising and not preparing for that and false high blood sugars due to excitement of games and plays. There are other considerations having this disease, but I know that I want to play football and nothing is going to stop me! In life there are always challenges and bumps in the road, but that is not going to stop me from following my dreams. When things get tough, I just get tougher and press through! Being on a team is great! Being together with a bunch of other guys with the same interests and focus is really special. I believe playing a team sport and working hard to stay healthy physically and mentally is a very important part of life.

When I was first diagnosed the doctor said, “You are a healthy boy with juvenile diabetes” and that is true, however, I also know that I love playing football and nothing is going to stop me from doing that. I encourage you to join a team, don’t let checking blood sugars stop you, don’t let low blood sugars stop you, prepare yourself for things like that. Tell your coaches and trainers. They are there for you! This is not something to hide, When life knocks you down, no matter how hard the hit is get back up, and keep moving because that is how you succeed in life!

About Ezra

Ezra was diagnosed as a 5th Grader in Cedar Hill Elementary School. Considering 5th Grade is a time when many children are experiencing many changes in their bodies, Ezra did not know what was happening. He was part of the town swim team so the weight loss was not evident as a problem. He was thirsty, but being in the summer time, this did not seem so unusual. He seems tired but considering he was entering pre-teens, his parents thought that this was normal. So his symptoms were not evident to anyone.

It was a dear friend and neighbor, who actually brought the possibility of JD to his mother. This friend was aware of the indicators because her own mom had Juvenile Diabetes, so she was able to see the possibilities with Ezra, when he had slept over on an occasion during this summer, because Ezra was good friends with her son.

Although initially this suggestion was not met with a welcomed response. This friend truly was a God-send and courageous to offer the suggestion that Ezra should get checked by his doctor.

When Ezra and his family, finally got through the initial surprise and training, to take care of JD. Ezra felt so much better and was able to understand his body more clearly. As the necessary precautions and considerations were met over time, taking care of having JD and the daily necessary needs and requirements have gotten easier and manageable.

Ezra began football in seventh grade and continued to an outstanding season in eighth grade and has continued on to playing football as a center and defensive guard. He works out more than 3-4 times a week off season and eats healthy and watches his glucose levels consistently.

Ezra Tackles Juvenile Diabetes daily and will not let anything stop him from following his dreams!